Optimize The Vizion Prepares For An Exciting Summer In 2023
Optimize The Vizion would like to congratulate our Vizionaries on finishing another successful school year. We are very proud of the hard work they put in year after year to be great students in each of their schools. Now that summer has begun for our Vizionaries, we look forward to having a great summer of events. Some of the events we have tentatively set up are visits to the Atlanta United, Atlanta Dream, The Tour Championship, Nascar and our Breaking Bread banquet. We are excited for all the opportunities that are before us and we look forward to having support from our communities in order to make this happen.
We ask that you join us in making this exciting summer possible for our Vizionaries by donating to our organization.You can donate by visiting our website, OptimizeTheVizion.org and clicking the donate button. Your donations ensure we keep this program free to all of our Vizionaries and their families.
We would like to thank you for all of the support everyone had given us over the last 4 years. Without our community support, our program wouldn’t be what we are today and for that we thank you!